
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Treasures in Rural China

I discovered the most amazing finds while wondering the shops on Etsy. Tucked in a shop called, My Cool Finds, were the most wonderful wooden panels. The panels depict traditional Chinese scenes; some panels are painted, others are plain wood with varnish.  They sparked my imagination, so I bought one.

I wanted to know the backstory so I reached out to Ashley the owner of My Cool Finds. While traveling in China with her father, they were visiting a family who did furniture restoration and Ashley spied these panels in a heap in a barn. She collected them, cleaned them and fell in love.
As she told me,"Well, we were only there for a couple of days and I had already purchased more amazing items so we had to start looking into other means of shipping. Oops, back up, I forgot to mention that I was an antique dealer at the time so I was planning on discovering a few unique things but just not this many." "I collect, scavenge, create and horde! Collecting is great fun but it's even more fun when you get to share it with someone else!!"

For the next two weeks, Ashley is offering readers of my blog a 20% discount on any panel in her shop using coupon code, A2545. So I urge you to be inspired by these fantastic panels at My Cool Finds.



FabricFascination said...

What treasures, and to think that they were found discarded in a barn.

Jennifer said...

Really lovely! Thanks for sharing your wonderful finds with us.